“An Ojibway medicine man passed on his people's teaching that all children are born with four gifts. They might be good runners or good hockey players. They might be good listeners who could take burdens from other people. Maybe they could make children feel comfortable and safe. It didn't matter. Everyone was to be respected for their gifts, and everyone had a duty to help children find and develop their special gifts, whatever they were. All the gifts were sacred."
Nature and exploration-based experiences to nourish the head, hands and heart
Why the focus on the Feminine?
In my years working in guiding and being led through Nature-based training practices, it occurred to me that much of the experience I was receiving was of a hyper-masculine nature. There felt to be a sense of achievement to overcome the weather, or a sense of dominion over the elements, a sense of conquering a mountain by reaching the summit.
As a woman, and a girl who had the freedom of exploring my relationship with Nature unhindered and unbound by these frameworks, I recognized a need for a safe and inclusive space in which girls and their mothers could also explore their own unique way of remembering their belonging to the Earth.
These programmes have been born from that place - A recognition that there is importance for those who identify with the feminine nature to have a guide who reflects and supports that. Just as boys and men have a right to strong, healthy masculine role models.
The joy, of course, is also in the intersection of spaces between the two.
Nature Connection for Children
Our workshops include several ‘Council Circles’ where guides will facilitate sharing between students, so each feels understood, and seen by the group. The girls can learn how to actively listen, and consolidate their experiences in a safe yet dynamic space.
By sharing in the community circles, children may begin to understand what gifts they bring to the group, and celebrate the diversity of gifts the others introduce.
Our Programmes encourage the 10 C's
- Creativity
- Cultural repair
- Curiosity​
Contact us to arrange a programme, and leadership and communication workshops are also available for youth empowerment. Contact us for details - connect@kembali.org